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Monday, March 19, 2007

East Coast Style!

Treeplanting is done all over Canada. British-Columbia is definitey the province with the most reforestation (as it's also the most logged) and the most various methods and land types, but Ontario, Québec, Alberta, Manitoba and Saskatchewan all have a good amount of treeplanters working on their land, mostly in the northernmost part of their territory.

It doesn't mean the maritimes provinces have no tree planting! If things are done a little differently over there (planters usually sleeping at their homes and enjoying lobster parties), others never change (bugs, crew spirit). This video shows interesting scenery one could see planting near Antigonish, Nova Scotia.

Here's another video showing some details of the East Coast planting life:

Okay, it's a little long. If you're interested to watch the second part of the last vid, as well as many other similar videos by the same Youtube user, click here.

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Sunday, March 11, 2007

Another take on planters

Mark and Calum are eternal opponents on OLN Canada's Road Hockey Rumble. In the second episode, in Prince George BC, Mark recruited some loggers for his team, while Calum, who spent many years in town, went the treeplanter way. Here's what Mark thinks of planters:

And here's Calum reply:

For your information, Team Planter destroyed Team Chopper 13-2! But I'll concede that Calum had the recruiting advantage as he knew people in town...Whatever, planters are better!

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Friday, March 09, 2007

Treeplanting, as seen by your shovel...

This is a nice little video made by a treeplanter in Alberta, simply using a camera attached to a shovel. Makes for great images of the planting technique and rythm. Not much screefing involved though! Of course, this should be taken with a grain of salt as quality standards vary from a contract to the other.

Also, if you're a rookie, please remember that there's much to learn, quality and technically-speaking before getting such a steady rythm. You can't and must not focus on speed at first!


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Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Ed's back at camp...

Here's some unseen footage from Ed Robertson's treeplanting experience for his OLN TV show, Ed's Up.

After a hard day pounding trees to reach his PB (personal best), Ed enjoys the rewards of a bush camp, a nice swim, some music and chilling around a campfire...and his cameraman enjoys a few shots at some almost barenaked ladies! (Okay, bad one)

Nope, they didn't kick him out right after...


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