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Saturday, April 28, 2007

And There We Go Again!

And I'm up north, in Matheson, Ontario more precisely, in Shillington, at one of Outland's regional yards for some pre-season work and training, before getting up to our respective camps to get things ready for the planters. So we basically pack trucks up once in a while, watch videos about chainsaw safety and get back to the motel at 5PM for some beer and joints...

Good life, but it'll get busy soon! Here's a few pics I snapped today and yesterday:

Toronto-North Bay: Another ride up north in an old beat up school bus...Hopefully for the last time of the season!

A flat-deck and some Northern Ontario skies

The Shillington yard.

Tila's fetching it...

Packing up a truck for camp set-up.

Deliverers being good at doin' nothin'...I'm also really good

Our classy motel in Matheson: Vi-Mar!

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At 7:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just a little correction for you the motel you stayed at was in Matheson.
But the yard where you worked was in Shillington.

At 11:19 PM, Blogger Tupperfan said...

Thanks, fixed...much later!


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